
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ

At First Baptist Church we have a place for you!

Everyone needs a place.  A place to worship God with heart and mind; a place to give and receive compassion; a place to learn about life; a place to make a difference; a place to fit in and belong.

We invite you to such a place... in the heart of Chattanooga... a place to connect with God as we share His love with the world.

We Believe

...the Bible is the inspired Word of God, revealing God as truth and love. one God who exists as Parent, Son and Holy Spirit.

...that salvation is by faith and trust in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and arose from the dead.

...the Church is the Body of Christ on earth, revealed through the community of diverse people, with the responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission and practice the Great Commandment. separation of church and state; the priesthood of each believer; the full autonomy of each local church; the Bible as our only creed.

...that both male and female are called out and specially gifted, the gifting of all believers for the work of ministry; the value and worth of all individuals. ministry partnerships with any entity God provided that fulfills His mission and ours to downtown Chattanooga and the world. theologically sound worship experiences. encouraging people to think toward the formation of their own personal faith.