
Welcome to Worship!

By simply gathering on the Lord’s day, as Christians have done from the first days, by forming a genuine community not just in word but in deed, the assembly bucks the trend of society. In doing so we are allowing ourselves to be shaped by God, and thereby place ourselves in a position to offer humankind fresh hope. Gathering for worship releases the gifts within us and enables us to rise towards our full human potential.

—Richard Giles, Creating Uncommon Worship


As a child of God, everyone is welcome to worship at First Baptist. Corporate worship is a community of faith gathered together in response to God’s presence among them. This is the primary act of our congregation; it defines and unites us. As such, we believe it is something that should be experienced together as a church family. Our Sunday morning worship service follows the lectionary and celebrates the significant seasons of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost). Musical and spoken elements of a variety of styles are used in hopes that all will feel at home.