
Median Adult Ministry

Where Life & Faith Collide

Whether you're a 30 Something professional, a stay at home mom, or someone nearing retirement, our First Baptist Church Median Adult Ministry has a place for you. Fine-tuned for those in the thick of life, our 30, 40 and 50-somethings at First Baptist meet Christ through laughter, over coffee and in those 'a-ha moments' while studying in a small group.

Median Adult Ministry Highlights

A variety of Sunday morning Bible Studies abound so that you can grow in your relationship with Christ.  Small group opportunities provide a place for you to listen, share and study in an authentic and relevant way. Service projects in our downtown community, family mission trips and church-wide ministry initiatives put you in the position to wed your faith and deeds.


Join us on Wednesday nights for Epiphanies, where you can explore life and faith issues through film, art, scripture, articles and much more.

Listen. Share. Discover. Be.

For more information, contact the church office at 423-265-2257

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